1. The Venue and the Dates for the Start and Finish of the Championships.
Venue: The championships will be held in Gaziantep from 2 August 2008 (arrival day) to 16 August 2008 (departure day). The venue is �ehit Kamil Municipality Sport Hall in the center of Gaziantep. Hotels are very well-known 3 and 4 stars. Golden Sponsor of the event is �ehitKamil Municipality.
2. Participants.
In accordance with FIDE regulations, players entitled to participate are those born on or after 1st January 1988.
The players placed 1-3 in the previous Championships and the champions of Continental Junior Championships, and the top 6 (4) players from the International rating list for men (women) have the personal right to participate in the tournament, if they fulfill the condition described above, as well as the present World Boys (Girls) - 18 and 16 champions.
In addition to the players mentioned above, each affiliated federation has the right to send one representative in the juniors and one representative in the girls-20 championships. The organizing federation will have a second place in the tournament, and will hold a player in reserve to make an even number of participants, if necessary.
If a federation wishes to have additional players participating, besides those qualified by normal means and by personal right, they have to fulfill following conditions:
- payment to FIDE of the approved fee of 140€ per player in advance;
- payment of the full board and lodge of the additional player(s) to the organizers in advance;
An identity photo 2x3 cm should be sent for the badge of the players, coaches and accompanying persons. Otherwise the photo can be taken on arrival (€ 3).
According to FIDE regulations a 70€ entry fee is required for each player, except defending champion (140€ for any additional player). This amount must be sent to FIDE in advance.
3. Registration Forms.
Please return the Registration Forms before June 20, 2005 by fax or e-mail.
Download the registration forms
4. Board and Lodging.
The participants and accompanying persons (coaches, journalists, etc.) will be accommodated in Met Gold Hotel (4 stars) and Yesemek Hotel (3 stars).
Players who have GM, WGM, IM, WIM titles will be hosted in a 4 stars hotel. Other players will be hosted in a 3 stars hotel.
The main participants (those who qualified by normal means and by personal right) will be provided with free board and lodging.
The additional participants and the accompanying persons will incur 54 Euro (3 stars) or 63 € (4 stars) daily for sharing a double room plus three meals a day or 79 Euro daily (3 stars) and 89€ (4 stars) for a single room plus three meals a day and they are obliged to stay at the official Hotel by booking via Turkish Chess Federation. Organizers will refuse any other person as participant who does arrange their own accommodation.
Any application coming to the organisers after 20 June 2008, a 150 € late entry penalty must be paid, Organisers have right to refuse participation after 20 June 2008.
All payments must be made in advance by transferring the amount to official bank account. In order to avoid any problems with transports and hotel, all players (including invited players), delegates and accompanying persons must deposit to the bank account of the Executive Committee the amount of 100 Euro in advance. The 100 Euro are equal to the transportation and registration cost. Only by this way reservations are confirmed.
After the payment in bank the Federations must fax the bank receipt and the Executive Committee will confirm the hotel reservation for these people.
Bank Name: Turkiye Is Bankasi
Branch Name: Ankara
Addres: Ulus - Ankara
Account Holder: Turkiye Satranc Federasyonu
IBAN Euro: TR500006400000242003881023
Also online booking and purchase with credit card will be available on the official website.
5. Tournament Regulations.
The tournament will be held in accordance with FIDE regulations (D.VI). The events will be played according to the Swiss System, 13 rounds, with a free day after 7th round. The time limit will be according to FIDE rules (40 moves in 90 minutes followed by 30 minutes until the end of the game and an incremental time of 30 seconds per move from move 1). The games will be played using the electronic clocks.
7. Transportation.
National federations will cover the travel expenses of the participants and accompanying persons. Bus transportation is provided from the Gaziantep Airport to hotels and back for each participant free of charge with 100 Euro registration fee.
There are daily flights from Istanbul to Gaziantep by Turkish Airlines, and other commercial airlines. You may find them in the following links:
Turkish Airlines
Sun Express
Also cities which are close to Gaziantep and have flight connection from Istanbul
City Travel time to Gaziantep Number of Flights from �stanbul per day
Adana 2,5 hours more than 10
Kahramanmara� 1,5 hours one flight
Malatya 1,5 hours one flight
8. Visas.
In case of necessity for the Turkish entry visa, please apply at the Turkish embassies or consulates in your country.
The Organizing Committee will send the invitations to the Turkish Embassies in an official way.
9. Information.
Each federation is entitled to one free bulletin per round. Additional bulletins will be on sale.
The championships will be covered through the Internet at the official site:
For more information please contact:
Turkish Chess Federation
Tel.: +90 312 3097594
Tournament Director:
Mr.Abdurrahman KORAL (+90 533 641 78 67) e-mail: e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Official Fax Number: +90 312 310 96 20
E-mail: e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
10. Gaziantep
AREA: 7.642 km²
POPULATION: 1.140.594 (1990)
DISTRICTS: Gaziantep (center), Araban, �slahiye, Karkam��, Nizip, O�uzeli, Nurda��, �ahinbey, �ehitkamil, Yavuzeli.
SITES OF INTEREST: Düllükbaba forest recreation area, Zincirli, Gedikli, Tilmen, K�r��kal and Sakçagözü (Sakçagöze) tumuluses, Dolikhe (Dülük), Kuzeyne, Korus, Belk�s and Karkam�� (Kargam��) settlement ruins from antiquity Yesemek statutes, Gaziantep, Tilba�ar, Rumkale, Karacaören and Ravanda castles, Ömeriye, Boyac� (Kad� Kemaleddin) Eyüpo�lu, Esenbek (�hsan Bey), Ali Nacar (Annacar), Ali Dola (Ala'üd Devle), Tahtal�, A�a, Handaliye, Alaybey, �eyh Fethullah, �irvani (�ki �erefeli), Akcurun, Canbolat Bey, �eyh,�eyhler, Hindio�lu and Çal�k mosques, Ramazaniye (Ahmed Çelebi) old theological school (medrese), �eker, Pasha, H��va, Emir Ali, Millet, Kürkçü and Belediye Inns, Zincirli and Kemikli bazaars, Eski, Pasha, ��h, Pazar, Naip, Tabak, Hoca, Hasan Bey and Tu�lu baths, �eyh Abdullah Efendi Lodge, Debba�hane, Aynülleben, Yaz�c�k, Babilke and IV. Murad bridges, Gaziantep Museum.
Provincial Cultural Directorate
Tel: (342) 232 18 58
Fax: (342) 234 06 04
State Fine Arts Gallery Directorate
�l Halk Kütüphanesi
Tel: (0 342) 231 82 52
Fax: 234 06 04
Archeology Museum
Address: �stasyon cad. - Gaziantep
Tel: (342) 231 11 71
Fax: (342) 210 30 17
Ethnography Museum
Address: Eyübo�lu Mah. Hanifio�lu Sok. No: 64 -
Tel: (342) 230 47 21
Detailed Information on Hasan Süzer Etnography Museum
Historical Sites and Ruins
Belk�z-Zeugma - Nizip/Belk�s
Yesemek - �slahiye/Yesemek
Tilmen - �slahiye/Tilme
Dülük Örenyeri - �eyit
Registered Immobile Cultural and Natural Heritages in Gaziantep
Archaeological Sites: 158
Urban Sites: 1
Natural Sites: -
Historical Sites: -
Other Sites
Total: 159
Cultural (at Single Construction Scale) and Natural Heritages: 947
TOTAL: 1106
Significant Days
Local Days of Celebration:
Arrival of Atatürk at Gaziantep
26 Ocak
Bestowement of Gazi (Veteran)Title to Gaziantep
8 February
Mercidab�k Victory
24 August
Freedom from Occupation Days:
Freedom Day - Kilis
7 December
Freedom Day - Gaziantep and Commemoration of the Martyr
25 December
Aba Wrestling Tournament
Pistachioe Festival and Aba Wrestling Tournament
Cumhuriyet Cup Aba Wrestling Tournament
29 October
Low - Cost Garments and Food Exposition
5 June-5 July
Gaziantep Industrial Exposition
15 August-15 September
Freedom from Occupation Celebrations
25 December