young Brit David Howell was to stop the Azerbaijani Grandmaster Safarli
to share the lead with Chao Li who won against Ante Brkic are now
leading with 4.5 with rating performances of 2831 and 2843
respectively. Le Quang and Chao Li will face each other in round 6 on
board 1 while 15-year-old prodigy girl Yifan Hou will take on David
Tatev Abrahamyan draw with the top seed Harika Dronavalli to defend her
half point while all the other top boards were drawn which did not
change the contest for the top spots. Muzychuk to face Abrahamyan while
the other four players with 4 points: Harika vs. Dauletova; Nakhbayeva
vs.Gomes facing each other on Round 6.
Full-report below.
Howell Stops Safarli Takes the Joint Lead
David Howell , who got a nice position against Eltaj Safarli right
after the opening but not decisive. After the complications on the
queen side, white emerged two pawns which enabled white to win
comfortably and taking over the leading spot from his opponent.
Chao Li produced a nice game with skillful maneuvering and managed to win against Ante Brkic to join Howell's lead.
The other two Chinese players facing each other on the third board, Lin
Chen and Yifan Hou drew after a balanced fight. White launched a sharp
attack in a Benoni-type of position with the traditional pawn storm in
the center in the game between Rodshtein-Leon Hoyos. The sharp fight
resolved into an endgame with a pair of rooks and opposite colored
bishops and the sides agreed to a draw since there was not much to play
for after that.

Arik Braun won in style against Viktor Laznicka, who was looking for a
comeback to the top boards after his first round loss. The German IM,
played 16.Ng5 here and after black's 16...ed4, carried out a nice coup
on the board: 17.Nd5 cd5 18.Bd5 Kh8 19.Ne6 Qe7 20.c6 was another strong
move and white gained a strong initiative and won a nice game.

In this position, Baramidze continued with 15.cd5 ed5 16.Bd4 Ne5 17.f4
Nc4 18.Qd3 de4 19.Qc4 Rc8 20.Bg7 Rc4 21.Bc4 after which white had two
pieces and one rook against the queen with a winning position against

David Kalashian

Chao and Lin chatting before the game
Dariusz Swiercz from Poland
Silent Day in World Junior Girls Championship
On the top boards of World Junior Girls Chess Championship all of the
top five boards ended as a draw. The first of those was the game
between Abrahamyan and Harika while the smoke did not seem to die away

Abrahamyan cool and eyes closed before the game.
In the game between Gomes and Muzychuk, the latter seemed to be
pressing after giving a pawn away until white managed to neutralize the
compensation and entered an endgame with opposite-colored bishops, pair
of rooks and queens. After that, the game ended as a draw.
Dauletova-Hoolt was the most fighting game of the round. Most of the
game Hoolt had the ropes but Hoolt erred in a winning rook endgame and
Dauletova was able to save the game. The game between Nikolova and
Mikadze lasted for ages finally which ended as a draw.
Kübra Öztürk, after a dubious play with having an isolated pawn in the
ending gained the upper hand in a typical good knight-bad bishop
endgame thanks to the inaccuracy on her opponent's part. However, she
did not manage to win and the game ended as a draw.
An interesting battle was between WIM Betül Cemre Yıldız and WIM
Katerina Nemcova who took the third and second place in World Youth
Championship Under 18 respectively last year in Kemer, Turkey. In the
Scotch, both players came to an ending where black had given two minor
pieces for a rook and two pawns. It was en exciting game until the end,
where the balance did not change but in the end, displeasing the home
side fans watching the Turkish star (her surname literally means star)
blundered in the endgame with Ne6 and Nemcova, one of the rising stars
who did not start well in the tournament scored a crucial victory which
enabled her to face Nikolova on board three in round 6.

Mary Ann Gomes (India)
Sarah Hoolt (Germany)

Katerina Nemcova together with her trainer Sergej Berezjuk

Turkan Mamedyarova from Azerbaijan

Kaya vs. Bodnaruk (Bodnaruk won)

Turkish national players chatting before the game

IM Tornike Sanikidze of Georgia

Oliver Gareth from Australia
Turkish coaches FM Bayram and IM Kılıçaslan fully equipped for the game with their binoculars